La Belle Epoque - traduction vers néerlandais
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La Belle Epoque - traduction vers néerlandais

Belle Epoque; Belle epoque; Belle époque; La belle époque; La belle epoque; La bell epoque; La Belle Époque; Belle-Époque
  • The world's first movie poster, for the comedy ''[[L'Arroseur Arrosé]]'', 1895
  • Map of the [[Colonial Empires]] (and their colonies) in the year 1885, when after the [[Berlin Conference]] of that year the [[Partition of Africa]] between the colonial powers began.
  • Europe during the Belle Époque (1911).
  • The ''[[Wright Flyer]]'': the first sustained flight with a powered, controlled aircraft (1903).
  • Flag-map of the world (1900).
  • Flag-map of the world (1914), just before the start of [[World War I]] (1914–1918), which ended the stage of the ''Belle Époque''.
  • Year 2000 video [[telephony]] as imagined in France in 1910
  • Grand [[foyer]] of the [[Folies Bergère]] [[cabaret]]
  • A newspaper headline for [[Émile Zola]]'s open letter to the French government and the country, condemning the treatment of Captain [[Alfred Dreyfus]] during the [[Dreyfus affair]]
  • ''[[Art Nouveau]]'' style coffee service in [[Meissen Porcelain]], by Theodor Grust, 1902.
  • A 1900 cartoon from magazine ''Le Frou Frou'' (signed "Jan Duch") satirising a style trend favouring small breasts (a large bosom may still be acceptable in the provinces, but not in Paris!). A "boyish figure" didn't actually become a mainstream fashion ideal until the 1920s.<ref>Source: ''Le Frou Frou'' 1900 Page 128</ref>
  • Picasso]], ''[[Les Demoiselles d'Avignon]]'' (1907), [[Museum of Modern Art]], New York
  • A [[telegraph]] used to transmit messages in [[morse code]].
  • [[Peugeot Type 3]] built in France in 1891
  • [[Auguste Renoir]], ''[[Bal du moulin de la Galette]]'', 1876, oil on canvas, 131 × 175 cm, [[Musée d'Orsay]]
  • The [[pith helmet]] is an icon of [[colonialism]] in the tropical areas of the planet.
  • sinking of the RMS ''Titanic'']] in 1912 is the best-known tragedy of the era.
  • A French poster from 1894 by [[Jules Chéret]] that captures the vibrant spirit of the Belle Époque.
  • World Empires 1900. [[British Empire]] (pink) is the most powerful in the world at this time, due to among other reasons the naval dominance of the [[Royal Navy]].

La Belle Epoque         
periode in Franse geschiedenis gekenmerkt door grote vooruitgangen in kunst en wetenschappen (1871-1914)
Beauty and the Beast         
  • Illustration for ''Beauty and the Beast'' drawn by [[Walter Crane]].
  • Painting of [[Petrus Gonsalvus]] (c. 1580)
  • Serbian]] translation from 1787, published in the old [[Slavonic-Serbian]] literary language, translated by [[Avram Mrazović]].
  • 20px
  • Illustration by [[Warwick Goble]].
Beauty And The Beast; Beauty and the beast; Beauty & the Beast; Beauty and the Beast & Other Stories; Beauty and The Beast; The beauty and the beast; The Beauty and the Beast; Beauty & The Beast; La Belle et la Bête (fairy tale); Beauty and Beast; Beauty and the Beast (play); Beauty-and-the-Beast
de mooie en het beest (verhaal en film over de liefde tussen een mooi meisje en een lelijk monster)
Sleeping Beauty         
  • ''The Sleeping Beauty'', ballet Emily Smith
  • ''Sleeping Beauty'', by [[Henry Meynell Rheam]], 1899
  • Sleeping Beauty]]''
Sleeping spell; Sleeping Spell; Sleeping curse; Sleeping princess; La Belle au Bois Dormant; Eternal sleep; La Belle au bois Dormant; Eternal Sleep; Sleeping Princess; Sleeping beauty; The Beauty sleeping in the Wood; Little Briar Rose; La belle au bois dormant; La Bella Durmiente; Sleeping Beauty (Disney character); Briar Rose (Disney character); Princess Aurora (Disney character); Sleeping Beauty in the Woods; La Belle au bois dormant; Sleeping beauties; Sleeping Princess (Disney character)
Schone Slaapster (sprookje); (in Beurs in Amerika ) bijnaam voor bedrijf met vermogen dat attractief kan zijn


belle epoque
[?b?l e?'p?k]
¦ noun the period of settled and comfortable life preceding the First World War.
Fr., 'fine period'.


Belle Époque

The Belle Époque or La Belle Époque (French: [bɛlepɔk]; French for "Beautiful Epoch") is a period of French, Belgian and European history, usually considered to begin around 1871–1880 and to end with the outbreak of World War I in 1914. Occurring during the era of the Third French Republic, it was a period characterised by optimism, regional peace, economic prosperity, colonial expansion, and technological, scientific, and cultural innovations. In this era of France's cultural and artistic climate (particularly within Paris), the arts markedly flourished, and numerous masterpieces of literature, music, theatre, and visual art gained extensive recognition.

The Belle Époque was so named in retrospect, when it began to be considered a continental European "Golden Age" in contrast to the horrors of the Napoleonic Wars and World War I. The Belle Époque was a period in which, according to historian R. R. Palmer, "European civilisation achieved its greatest power in global politics, and also exerted its maximum influence upon peoples outside Europe."

Exemples du corpus de texte pour La Belle Epoque
1. The deck called La Belle Epoque is another deck that has artistic value.